Prestasi SMP Ar Rafi' Drajat

  • Digital Learning in Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School

                         Digital Learning in Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School

    In the era of globalization, technology plays a very important role as the main capital in global competition. Well it is important and has an impact on education for life in increasing quality human resources. The development of technology also makes computers and the internet an inseparable part. Therefore, every school must prepare students to face very fast developments and try to respond to it well.

    The existence of technology has been developed for education as a learning tool. Several methods and media are also used to make learning much more enjoyable.

    With the existence of technology, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the effectiveness of the learning process between students and teachers, as a forum for self-development, speed and accuracy in obtaining information, and can create quality education to produce quality human resources.

    Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School is one of the favorite schools in Bandung that has applied digital-based learning. One of the media used to support digital learning at Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School is a Chromebook. The Chromebook has a simple operating system, lightweight and accessible features for digital learning.

    Instead of using chromebook as a digital learning media, the teaching learning process at Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School is also supported by Google Suite (G-Suite) for education, where the collaborative features and tools can be used by teachers and all students. There are lots of interesting features that can be used such as Google Docs, where students can work collaboratively without having to be in the same place and at the same time. Then there is Google Meet, where teachers can provide material directly without having to meet in the same place.

    The use of G-Suite, which was adopted in 2017, has been applied in daily learning at Ar Rafi’ Middle School. The use of this media is very beneficial, especially in the current pandemic, students are learning online from home without any problem when they study. So, the teaching learning process can still run normally.

    Hopefully, with the use of a chromebook that is supported by the g-suite in Ar Rafi’ Drajat Middle School can continue to run consistently and help students and teachers in their daily teaching learning activity. *** Febrina

    Sekolah Ar Rafi’ Drajat telah membuka pendaftaran PPDB Gelombang 2 untuk tahun ajaran baru 2020-2021 sejak bulan September lalu. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi atau ikutimedia sosial FB, IG @smparrafidrajat.


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